Proposed Plan for a Teaching Project
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Proposed Plan for a Teaching Project
Develop a teaching project that could be delivered to your community.
Identify your outcomes.
Outcomes must be SMART
• Specific
• Measurable
• Achievable
• Realistic
• Timely
Address the cultural competent care issues for the population.
Address any budget, cost or financial issue.
please use Prince Georges County for the paper
please use Prince Georges county for paper
Proposed Plan for a Teaching Project
Community requires information on various issues that affect them to take precautionary measures. This paper develops a teaching project that will be delivered to the people/community of Prince Georges County.
The teaching project aims to educate/teach the people of Prince Georges County about infant mortality and ways to avoid these deaths. The population of the county is estimated to be around 863, 420 people, and continues to increase (Prince George County, 2015). The county has people from different races including whites, Hispanics, African Americans, and others. The rate of infant mortality is high especially among African Americans hence, the need for this teaching project. Infant deaths are considered as an important indicator of the community health; hence, it is an issue that require urgent measure to adders it (Prince George County, 2015).
This teaching project is designed to achieve specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely outcomes. The project intends to teach local communities, especially African Americans in Prince Georges County on health of infants (Prince George County, 2015). This training targets fathers and mothers in the community to inform them about health care of infants. The outcomes of the projects will be measured based on the number of infant deaths after training. It is expected that after training, the death rates should go down. If this does not go down, then it means that the training will not have attained the ultimate goal.
The training goals must also be achievable (Day & Tosey, 2011). This project is achievable because there are enough resources to facilitate the training. The training personnel will be recruited from the existing pool of health workers in the county. There is also enough transportation services for these personnels.
The teaching project is also realistic in the sense that it aims at filling a gap that has been researched. Studies have indicated that indeed the level of infant mortality in the county is higher hence, requiring urgent measures (Prince George County, 2015). This training project is therefore, realistic. Various women and men will be taught on infant health care in different centers in the county.
The project is also timely. It comes at the time that the cases of infant mortality are high in the county. This therefore, will make the project success, as it will trigger attention from the target audience. The teaching will take two months to educate the parents in the County.
This teaching plan has also put into consideration the cultural competent care issues of the target population (Lewisson, Hellgren & Johansson, 2013). Cultures do vary and it is important for training or teaching plan and methods to be receptive to the cultures of the people. The people target has more or less the same cultural orientation, and therefore, this teaching plan has factored this. The teachers must use the language that the population understands. They must also respect beliefs, values, and norms of the target population.
Budget is another important issue that this teaching plan has considered. The training will require financial resources to ensure that the goals and objectives set are met. The budget for teaching is estimated at US $ 50,000. This budget will cover for various expenses, including, recruiting trainers, paying the trainers, and operating expenses covering, transportation, food and accommodation of the trainers and other sundry expenses.
Day, T., & Tosey, P. (2011). Beyond SMART? A new framework for goal setting. Curriculum Journal, 22(4), 515-534.
Lewisson, N., Hellgren, L., & Johansson, J. (2013). Quality improvement in clinical teaching through student evaluations of rotations and feedback to departments. Medical Teacher, 35(10), 820-825.
Prince George County. (2015). About us. Retrieved from: http://www.princegeorgeva.org/
Prince George County. (2015). Maryland Health Improvement Ppan 2000-2010. Retrieved form: http://hsia.dhmh.maryland.gov/opca/docs/PrinceGeorges.pdf
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