Protocol for Evidence Collection Essay Paper

Protocol for Evidence Collection
Protocol for Evidence Collection

Protocol for Evidence Collection

Law enforcement officers and crime scene technicians must use caution and protect themselves at all times from contracting AIDS or hepatitis. Bodily fluids must always be treated as though they were infectious.

Crime scene technicians most often use dust particle masks or N-95 masks at routine crime scenes. They are considered the most common type of respiratory protection. These masks are considered to be disposable and should be ­discarded ­after one use.

It is imperative that all personnel involved in entering and processing the crime scene wear personal protective equipment (PPE). This consists of items of clothing that are non-porous like crime scene suits, nitrile gloves (double gloving recommended), face mask and eyewear protection.

These items will protect the CSI from exposure to blood borne pathogens, most chemical/drug residues, and other contaminents that are health hazards. In addition hair nets, and booties over the shoes will help avoid contamination of the crime scene.

Research the following points, and write a 4–6-page paper fully explaining each point:

  • Identify and explain four exceptions to the exclusionary rule established by the US Supreme Court that allow for the search and/or seizure of evidence without a warrant.
  • Patent medicines used to be dispensed by pharmacists in powder form using a pharmacist’s/or druggist’s fold. Explain this method of packaging and why it has been adopted by Crime Scene Investigators for packaging trace evidence.
  • How should investigators handle trace evidence that is stuck on an object found at the crime scene? Explain the exception to this procedure.
  • When a motor vehicle, boat or aircraft is present, what special considerations should the Crime Scene Investigator take?

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