Psychological Consequences of Optical Illusion

Psychological Consequences of Optical Illusion See the video from YouTube
And answer question (do not copy from the website, use own words)

Psychological Consequences of Optical Illusion
Psychological Consequences of Optical Illusion

1. According to the video, what can optical illusions tell us about our brains?
2. According to the video, how can optical illusions be the difference between life and death, but in nature and in warfare?
3. How did the Soviet Union manipulate the United States in a film real of an airshow by way of an optical illusion? What were some real-life consequences to
the U.S. and citizens?
4. Describe an example of an optical illusion found in architecture, and describe some of the real-life consequences.
5. What is the “End of History Illusion“; and what are some of the psychological consequences to human beings?
6. What is the “Illusion of Control”; and what are the consequences to both individuals and to society?
(Please just answer questions on the paper and mark 1,2,3,4,5,6 before the answer.)

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