Psychological Trauma Essay Assignment

Psychological Trauma
Psychological Trauma

Psychological Trauma

Write a 6-page comparison essay (complete 6 pages – point-by-point format) based on your own interpretation of the stories. Support your evidence drawn from the texts of the stories themselves, a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 secondary scholarly sources. (I already have a proposal. You will write the final paper based on the proposal)

Topic: Explore the significance of psychological trauma as it is demonstrated in two of the works studies this term. Include in your discussion the idea of the “coping strategies” that people develop when under stress, and how these strategies may have both positive and negative effects.

Stories written in the proposal are: “Faulkner’s a Rose for Emily“, “A Watch for Emily”, “Reading Trauma Narratives: the Contemporary Novel & the Psychology of Oppression”

Since this is a short paper, confine your analysis to no more than three or four major points, so that you are able to explain your ideas about both stories thoroughly.

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