Psychology of Movie or TV Show Critique Define the topic and explain what I/O psychology tells us about the topic (e.g. how it should be performed, causes or effects, etc.).

Provide at least one example from the movie/tv show (i.e., describe scenes and/or provide dialogue) that exemplify this topic.
Explain whether the movie/tv show demonstrated the topic being utilized correctly or incorrectly and why.
If done incorrectly, explain how the characters in the movie/tv show or the movie/tv show writers could have shown the topic more accurately.
If done correctly (e.g., the movie/tv show demonstrates job stress resulting in employee dissatisfaction), explain how the characters in the movie/tv show could apply I/O principles relevant to the topic to improve employee performance, satisfaction and/or well-being.
Psychology of Movie or TV Show Critique Summary and Conclusion
*If you use information from any sources, you need to cite them appropriately and include a reference page. See Blackboard information about citations and references in APA style.
Sample Topics for Paper (Anything we covered in class or in the book is acceptable)
Research Methods in I/O Psychology
Job Analysis
Performance Appraisal
Employee Training
Employee Motivation
Goal Setting
Organizational Justice
Job Satisfaction
Organizational Commitment
Emotions at Work
Organizational Norms
Occupational Stress
Work-Family Conflict
Work Groups and teams
Social loafing
Leadership – Sources of Power
Abuse of Power
Organizational Development
Organizational Change
Theory X/Theory Y
Organizational Culture
Acceptable Movies/TV shows
Office Space (1999)
Gung-Ho (1986)
Antz (1998)
Twelve Angry Men (1957)
Veep (2012)
The Office (2001 or 2005 series)
Parks and Recreation (2009)