Psychology of Terrorism
PSY 368: Psychology of Terrorism
Spring 2019 Response Paper #3 Overview The purpose of this paper is to make connections between psychological theories presented in class and the behavior of actual terrorist groups.This paper is due in the D2L Assignments tab on Friday, March 29 by 11:00 am. No late papers will be accepted. Writing Your Paper 1. Read the article“The Terrorists in their Own Words: Interviews with 35 Incarcerated Middle Eastern Terrorists” by Postet al. (2003). You can find a PDF of this article in the Readings section of the Content tab in D2L.2. Write a paper that addresses the following:
o Part 1: Summary of Post et al. (2003) article§Briefly summarize the Post et al. (2003) article.§In your opinion, what were the most noteworthy results in the article, and why?
o Part 2: The Self & Self-Concept§Briefly explain the ideas proposed by Kruglanski et al. (2013) in the article “Terrorism –A (Self) Love Story”(presented in class, available on D2L as a PDF). Specifically, how do the authors suggest that a quest for significance could result in terrorist activity?§Describe how some of the statements made by terrorists in the Post et al. (2003) article could be seen as evidence for the model proposed by Kruglanski et al. (2013). Be sure to make specific reference(s) to quotes from terrorists (from the Post et al. article, on pages 177-183).
o Part 3: Culture & Social Identity-Briefly describe the basic concepts of structural symbolic interactionism, as described by Arena & Arrigo (2005) in their article “Social Psychology, Terrorism, and Identity”(presented in class, available on D2L as a PDF). Specifically, according to this identity-formation model, what types of influences might make a person more likely to join a terrorist group?§Describe how some of the statements made by terrorists in the Post et al. (2003) article could be seen as evidence for the model proposed by Arena & Arrigo (2005). Be sure to make specific reference(s) to quotes from terrorists (from the Post et al. article, on pages 177-183).
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