Punk Orientalism by Garry Neil Kennedy

Punk Orientalism by Garry Neil Kennedy Write a formal review of one of the artworks in the Mackenzie Art Gallery exhibitions: Punk Orientalism, Garry
Neil Kennedy: Ya Ummi, Ya Ummi …, or Home Economics: 150 Years of Canadian Hooked Rugs. You must write your review on a work of art you have seen in person this semester.

Punk Orientalism by Garry Neil Kennedy
Punk Orientalism by Garry Neil Kennedy

1000 words (not including footnotes and bibliography)
Typed; double-spaced; 12 point Times New Roman font
name your files as follows: LastName_FirstName_ArtReview_WI18.docx
do not include a title page or other cover
put your name and student ID # on the top left hand corner
Centre your title above the body of your paper.
If possible, include an image of the artwork.
You will lose 20 points if you go more than 50 words over or under 700 words.
No paper will be accepted beyond two weeks late
This is NOT a research paper. However, you may consult other sources for background information. If you do, be sure to cite the sources of your quotations and paraphrases using Chicago Manual style. Failure to cite your sources correctly is plagiarism and may result in a grade loss of 20%-100%.
Grading will be based on adherence to assignment guidelines, research, content, format, and organization. For details, refer to the Art Work Review rubric posted on the class UR Courses website.
If you are unable to submit your written work on time due to illness or other serious circumstances please contact me immediately to make arrangements.
Submit all written assignments as .doc or .docx files using the assignment tool on the class UR Courses website.
Please follow the structure outlined below:
1. Introduction
2. Description and Exploratory Question
3. Formal and Conceptual Analysis
4. Critical Evaluation and Conclusion

Punk Orientalism by Garry Neil Kennedy Introduction

The first paragraph should deal with the facts: identify the artwork’s maker, title, size, date, and medium, as well as the location where it was seen along with the exhibition title and dates.
In the second paragraph you will identify the work within its art historical context (style, movement, mode) and relate this work to the artist’s practice as a whole (you may cite the artist’s statement).
Description and Exploratory Question
Before further analysis you will provide a clear description of the work that allows the reader to visualize the work and better understand the analysis that follows: what does the viewer see? Conclude this section with a clearly stated exploratory question: the key critical question that the work of art raises for you, makes you wonder about, frustrates you, or inspires you. But don’t answer the question yet! It is this exploratory question that will guide the rest of your art review, which will be aimed at skillfully unpacking the meaning of the work to allow you lead the reader to the answer(s) to your question.
Formal and Conceptual Analysis
This section will provide the reader with greater insights and clues into the nature of your exploratory question.
Provide a formal and conceptual reading of the work using appropriate art terms that you have learned in class.
The formal and conceptual reading of the work is tied to a reading of the content of the work: What formal and conceptual strategies are used, and how do these generate your thoughts and feelings about the work? What do you think the work means? What does the artist intend, or, what do you think the artist intends through this work?
Why do you think the artist made the work this way? If the work of art is more conceptual than formal, the formal analysis can be shorter, but the description and reading of content and concept will be longer and go into more depth.
Critical Evaluation and Conclusion
In this final section you will provide a reasoned judgment of the work, describing if, if not, or to what degree the artist was successful in communicating their intended goal in making this piece. Your critical evaluation of the art work must be clearly developed out of your earlier analysis and comments, and connected explicitly to knowledge gained through your exploration of the work (i.e. the often open-ended answers to your exploratory question).
Be sure the review has an argument and structure that holds the paper together.
Do not write the review as if the professor is your reader. Imagine you are writing to someone like you. They know a little about art but have not seen this work.
Subjective responses should not dominate the ‘voice’ of the paper. Usually, the first person (“I”) is reserved for the first and last paragraphs, or when you are describing a subjective encounter with the work.

Punk Orientalism by Garry Neil Kennedy  Biographical Information

Only include biographical information on the artist if it advances your argument.
Watch out for weak opening lines: “The painting that most jumped out at me in this exhibition…”
Avoid empty and awkward exaggeration: “she is like the greatest master who ever lived;” “his amazing realism has dropped jaws all over the world.”
Watch out for vague, overly general claims and hollow truisms: “There is more to this painting than meets the eye.” “Art makes you see the world in new ways and this water colour is no exception.”
Do not open the review with a vague generalization: “…it was a work that really caught my eye.”
Avoid repetition

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