Qatar blockade Research Assignment Paper

Qatar blockade
                          Qatar blockade

Qatar blockade

that compares and contrasts the editorial stance of a Qatar-based newspaper against a newspaper in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates in two specific scenarios or situations related to the Qatar blockade.

These two newspapers should be compared with a report from an international news agency (AP, Reuters, AFP, etc.).

For each scenario or situation, a different pair of newspapers may be chosen as long as one newspaper is in Qatar and the other is in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates.

– The research paper should consider each article’s primary, secondary and tertiary audiences. A Riyadh-based newspaper, for example, might publish an article that sensationalizes quotes from anonymous sources about Qatar policies the Saudi government disagrees with. The primary audience could be Saudi citizens because the article could be intended to justify actions taken against Qatar. A secondary audience could be Western governments as the Saudi regime attempts to build support for the blockade. A tertiary audience could be Qatar’s leaders — the newspaper could be an indirect or unofficial medium for communicating across borders in the absence of diplomatic relations. In response, a Qatar newspaper might publish an article on the same topic but include facts or evidence that refute the other newspaper’s editorial stance. This becomes a case of competing ethos, pathos and logos — newspapers effectively are trying to persuade. What about wire services? – How is the message — the news content — tuned to cater to each of the audiences addressed by each newspaper? In other words, how is message a function of audience?

The research paper should examine two specific moments in the timeline of the blockade; analysis should identify the audiences of the article(s) of both newspapers, and the messages should be compared with each other.

How did the Qatar newspaper cover the situation differently from the other newspaper? –
For both incidents being studied, provide clippings or printouts of articles from both newspapers and the news agency. If an Arabic-language newspaper is chosen, the article or relevant passages should be translated to English. –

Papers must be typeset in
double-spaced, 12-point Arial with 1” margins on all sides of A4 pages
Sources and artifacts should be thoroughly documented using MLA or Chicago style; a bibliography or list of references should be appended to the paper.

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