Quality Measurement by Health Care Professionals

Quality Measurement by Health Care Professionals
Quality Measurement by Health Care Professionals

Quality Measurement by Health Care Professionals

Order Instructions:

A health care organization is comprised of different professionals who serve different functions. Their roles may determine how they view quality initiatives, including the different methods measurement and types of improvement tools.

Design a graphic organizer (such as a chart or table) that identifies a minimum of three quality measurement/improvement tools. Describe how they are used for measuring quality by at least four professionals in a health care organization. You must include at least one administrative health professional, one mid level provider, one physician, and one auxiliary staff member.

Make sure to include a References page with at least four references, including your textbook.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

  1. Unsatisfactory
  2. Less than Satisfactory
  3. Satisfactory
  4. Good
  5. Excellent

90.0 %Content

70.0 % Content/Resource Requirements: A Graphic Organizer Mapping Three or More Quality Improvement Tools as Applied by Four or More Types of Health Care Professional

Graphic organizer does not demonstrate an understanding of the basic requirements as specified in the assignment. Graphic organizer does not demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of quality measurement tools in health care, and does not develop effective rationale as to how they are used by different types of health care professional.

Graphic organizer demonstrates minimal understanding of the basic requirements as specified in the assignment. Graphic organizer demonstrates only minimal abilities for critical thinking and analysis of quality measurement tools in health care, and develops weak rationale as to how they are used by different types of health care professional.

Graphic organizer demonstrates knowledge of the basic requirements as specified in the assignment. Graphic organizer provides a basic idea of critical thinking and analysis of quality measurement tools in health care, and develops satisfactory rationale as to how they are used by different types of health care professional. Graphic organizer does not include examples or descriptions.

Graphic organizer demonstrates acceptable knowledge of the basic requirements as specified in the assignment. Graphic organizer satisfactorily develops understanding of critical thinking and analysis of quality measurement tools in health care. Graphic organizer develops an acceptable rationale as to how they are used by different types of health care professional. Graphic organizer utilizes some examples.

Graphic organizer demonstrates thorough knowledge of the basic requirements as specified in the assignment. Graphic organizer thoroughly develops an understanding of critical thinking and analysis of quality measurement tools in health care. Graphic organizer clearly answers the questions and develops a very strong rationale as to how they are used by different types of health care professional. Graphic organizer introduces appropriate examples.

20.0 % Integration of Information From Outside Resources

Assignment does not use references, examples, or explanations.

Assignment provides some supporting examples, but minimal explanations and no published references.

Assignment supports main points with examples and explanations.

Assignment supports main points with explanations and examples. Application and description are direct, competent, and appropriate of the criteria.

Assignment supports main points with references, examples, and full explanations of how they apply.

10.0 %Documentation

10.0 % Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)

Sources are not documented.

Documentation of sources is inconsistent and/or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors.

Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present.

Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct.

Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.


Quality Measurement by Health Care Professionals

In healthcare, measuring the quality of services delivered is essential since it presents a clear picture regarding the health structure’s performance while contributing to enhanced care. Quality measurement tools can take different forms and assesses care within health care structures ranging from doctor’s office, imaging facilities to the hospital structures (Schuur et al. 2013). This essay presents a table demonstrating three quality measurement tools including plan do study-act (PDSA), Six Sigma Methodology, DMAIC-define. In addition, the essay demonstrates how these tools are used by administrative health professionals, midlevel provider, physicians, and auxiliary staff members to measure quality.

Quality measurement tools Administrative healthcare professional Middle-level profession Physician Auxiliary staff
Six sigma


Administrative health care professional can use six sigma positive impact health care setting (Schembri, 2015)

For instance, in control operations, patients’ care leading to significant cost reductions as well improving quality. Can also use it to effectively use resources while eliminating wastes and get the required outcomes and ensure patient satisfaction.


Can use it to assess work flow such as reducing wait times, and increase number of patients in the hospital.


Can use it to minimize the number of errors while reducing steps in supply chain. This is done to improve patient outcomes.


Can utilize it enhance turnaround time
DMAIC Can utilize it to not only define but also analyze existing processes.


Uses it in improving patients’ outcomes. May use it in determining adverse actions and create preventive actions to tackle them (Pantouvakis & Bouranta, 2014).


PDSA May use it to implement changes to improve health care service delivery In deciding necessary actions to be taken to improve quality Can use it in  various processes including; -selecting quality improvement program; implementing an improvement program; assess the success of the program; and adjust improvement program based on the patient outcomes events (Bishop & Cregan, 2015).




Bishop, A. C., & Cregan, B. R. (2015). Patient safety culture: Finding meaning in patient experiences. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 28(6), 595-610. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1694933831?accountid=45049

Pantouvakis, A., & Bouranta, N. (2014). Quality and price – impact on patient satisfaction. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 27(8), 684-96. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1660689614?accountid=45049

Schuur, J. D., Hsia, R. Y., Burstin, H., Schull, M. J., & Pines, J. M. (2013). Quality measurement in the emergency department: Past and future. Health Affairs, 32(12), 2129-38. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1467750122?accountid=45049

Schembri, Sharon, PhD., B.B.U.S. (2015). Experiencing health care service quality: Through patients’ eyes. Australian Health Review, 39(1), 109-116. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1673832450?accountid=45049

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