Reading out loud vs. reading silently

Reading out loud vs. reading silently
Reading out loud vs. reading silently

Reading out loud vs. reading silently

Start with restating the purpose, hypothesis, and results (No stats! )
• H: Participants in the aloud condition will detect more spelling errors than those in the silent condition
• conducted in order to compare reading out loud vs reading silently. Participants in the aloud condition will detect more spelling errors than those in the silent condition. There were no substantial mean differences or error detections when proofreading aloud(M=10.89,SD=3.98) or silently(M=10.79,SD=4.04); t (254) =0.51 ,p=.61 ,ns.

Clearly state whether or not hypothesis was supported
-Hypothesis was not supported
Why did we get our results?
• What could have affected our results?
• Interpret our findings for your reader

You must give at least THREE separate reasons as to why we got that result

be sure to have literature to support it
Give me some possible explanations for our findings!
• Toward the end of your discussion be sure to include:

How does this add to the current body of knowledge?

Limitations of our study

No petty flaws or limitations

Questions for future research

Include explanation as to why this future research is important

Implications – ways in which this experiment will be beneficial to the outside world

In other words, how can this information be applied in real world settings?

• You must end your paper as you started it, in broad and general terms
• Sum things up and give a good concluding statement

• Brief but complete summary of the paper
• no more than 120 words
-Abstract Needs to include
Problem investigated (purpose)/Hypothesis
Reading out loud vs. reading silently
• Reading out loud vs. reading silently
• Which one is the effective proofreading strategy?
• Specifically, in detecting spelling errors –
Aloud > Silent

Methods & Results – only most important aspects
• Basic info about participants (N, sex, M age, etc.)
• Brief materials and procedures

1.Informed Consent
2.Demographic information sheet
3.General instruction – what does this explain
4.Four passages

Participants were individually tested in a quiet setting.
Provided four testing passages
•Handed over debriefing statement
• Brief statement of results
• The implications/application of results (conclusion)
Results from research
Male partcipants:134
Female partcipants:122
• N = 255
• Age (M= 30.09, SD = 11.83)
• Gender (Male = 134, Female = 121)
• Ethnicity (Hispanic or Lation,Caucasian,African American,Asian or Asian American,Other , ans Native American)
• English Proficiency (Native English Speaker,Speak English very fluently,Speak English fluently,Speak English but not fluently)

Articles to be referenced (I have provided 5 , need 5 more)





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