Reconstruction Research Paper Available



TTS is a formal six-page college history paper. In it, you must use evidence from the textbook, the Chapter 14 DP, and the TTS readings for Part 5. You must use no fewer than five of the primary sources included in those three readings (this includes the primary sources included in Chapter 14).



When citing the documents, all of the pages from the text are to be cited (H&L, Ch. 14, p. ?).

The pages that say document project in red can be cited (DP 14.1).

The pages that say document project in black toward the end can be cited (TTS 14.1)

Take the following statement as your starting point (seriously: it’s the kind of sentence that’s perfect to begin a history paper with, so feel free):

” Reconstruction was a struggle between at least three groups: Northern Republicans, Southern Democrats, and the men and women recently emancipated from slavery.

In the next 2-3 pages of your essay, define what historians mean by the term “Reconstruction” and then describe what each of these groups wanted Reconstruction to accomplish and how each proposed to achieve its goals. Use specific examples, and be sure to cite each one. In a history paper, a section like this sets the scene for the changes that follow by sketching the historical context of the paper and introducing the major actors, whether individuals or groups.

Then, in the next 2-3 pages of your essay, describe any changes in the goals of each group between, say, 1870 and 1876 and evaluate the extent to which those goals were met. In this section, you’ll be setting the essay in motion, so to speak, describing how and why events unfolded the way they did.

In your concluding paragraph, explain how your research into this topic can explain the sudden end of Reconstruction in 1877. Do you think Reconstruction should be described as a failure? Once you’ve figured out your answer to that question, return to your introduction and revise it, signaling at the start where your essay will end. This is a final tip in writing essays like this one-your last efforts should be on the introduction.

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