Registered nurses Research Paper Available

Registered nurses
Registered nurses

Registered nurses

Registered nurses

Order Instructions:

Module 7

Initial Discussion Post:

Base your initial post on the scenario listed below, your readings and research on this topic.

An RN working in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is caring for a patient with an acute gastrointestinal

hemorrhage related to liver failure that resulted from alcoholic cirrhosis. During hand-off report at the

end of the shift, the outgoing RN states to the incoming RN, “I have been in that room all day,

transfusing blood products and giving medications. It’s so much work for really no reason. I don’t know

why this patient drank to the degree he did to destroy his liver. He did this to himself. What a waste of

resources. I heard his family wants to get him on a list for a liver transplant.”

After reflecting on the above scenario, discuss the following points (minimum of 250 words):

What is the most appropriate way for the incoming RN to approach this situation? Include ethical and

legal considerations.

What is the role of the RN in regard to addressing the value system of other health care workers that

may have a negative impact of the delivery of patient care? Include ethical and legal considerations.


Nurses routinely offer 24-hour care to patients in hospital. The role of the staff Registered Nurses (RNs) is typically fulfilled at the bedside where they frequently contact patients who are on illicit drugs but are seeking health care services. The nurses come across complex personal as well as clinical situations that require a high level of expertise, competence, and skill for successful achievement. Research by Van Boekel., 2013 indicated that the attitudes of health care practitioners working with patients on illicit drugs constitute a crucial predictor of the willingness to interact with these patients.

In the case provided, the incoming RN nurse should approach it differently. She should not let the views of her colleague deter her from providing quality care to the patient. It is her moral responsibility to provide quality care to the patient regardless of their health condition. The incoming nurse should also find some time and talk to the outgoing RN letting her know that it is vital for them to maintain close surveillance on this patient so as they can address their multiple medical comorbidities and the patient’s risk of acquiring health problems. Moreover, she emphasize that patients require non-judgmental and emphatic care which is essential in strengthening health seeking behaviors to solving acute and chronic conditions.

Stigmatization attitudes of clinicians toward patients with unhealthy drug use have been associated negatively with empowerment and poor outcomes (Van Boekel., 2013). Therefore, registered nurses should encourage their colleagues to express determination to provide high quality care to patients using drugs. A RN can also be in the recommend healthcare institutions to introduce organizational support and contextual factors such as procedures and policies associated with provision of therapeutic and unbiased care. This will encourage positive encounters to be maintained within the health care system which in turn will encourage patients to adhere to ongoing medical assessment and treatment for their dependency on drugs and other health problems.


Van Boekel, L. C., Brouwers, E. P., Van Weeghel, J., & Garretsen, H. F. (2013). Stigma among health professionals towards patients with substance use disorders and its consequences for healthcare delivery: Systematic review. Drug and Alcohol Dependence131(1), 23-35.

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