Replacing Roles of Forensic Psychologist

Replacing Roles of Forensic Psychologist Critically discuss whether the role of the forensic psychologist ( particularly in the UK ) can be replaced by experts from other disciplines?

Replacing Roles of Forensic Psychologist
Replacing Roles of Forensic Psychologist

In popular culture, forensic psychologists are best known as profilers who develop psychological profiles of criminals for law enforcement agencies. However, this picture of forensic psychology is somewhat limited.
Instead, forensic psychology involves the application of various disciplines, among them psychology, criminal justice, and law, to address matters of a legislative, judicial, or administrative nature. Forensic psychologists do not just deal solely with criminology; rather, their work is at the intersection of clinical psychology and forensics and involves research and application of these disciplines to a variety of issues, from victims rights to issues that break apart families.

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