Research in history

Topic: Research in history

Research allows gaps in knowledge on a topic to be filled as well as change the way people view
a topic. The purpose of the research in history assignment (Parts 1-3) is to guide the student
through the initial stages of research used for a college-level history research paper without
writing the paper. The assignment will introduce students to the process of identifying, locating,
and evaluating sources for research in history. Students will learn how to utilize databases and
search tools for research in history. Finally, the assignment will improve writing skills as well as
introduce Turabian style for source citation.

In Module 7, students will present their final version of their research question and evaluate the
relevance of sources in answering the question. First, students will review their Research in

Creating a Bibliography submission and make appropriate revisions based on the
instructor’s feedback and comments.

Next, use the Jerry Falwell Library and its databases to find
three new sources (1 book, 1 article, and 1 book or article). Under each citation, provide one paragraph (125-175 words) evaluating how and why the source is necessary to answer the research question.

Students are not summarizing the sources; rather, students are evaluating
specific examples from the source and explaining why this information is essential in addressing the research question. Finally, the student will write a brief paragraph (150-200 words) on the
research process and the importance of evaluating sources to answer a research question. Please
use the provide template and be sure to view the tutorials on how to form a research question, utilize the JFL databases, and cite sources in Turabian format.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool three new sources (1 book, 1 article, and 1 book or article). Under each citation, provide one paragraph (125-175 words) evaluating how and why the source is necessary to answer the research question

Students are not summarizing the sources; rather, students are evaluating
specific examples from the source and explaining why this information is essential in addressing the research question write a brief paragraph (150-200 words) on the research process and the importance of evaluating sources to answer a research question.

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