Research Paper on a Specific Terrorist Group

Research Paper on a Specific Terrorist Group The student will be required to develop a terrorist group analysis paper.

Research Paper on a Specific Terrorist Group
Research Paper on a Specific Terrorist Group

The paper should focus on the group’s ideology and the roles of cultural, social, and personal identity in terrorism. This paper may also reflect on the organizational motives, operational targeting, and actions. The intent for this research is to focus on the analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of the group’s current status.

Research Paper on a Specific Terrorist Group and Terrorist Group Analysis Guide:

  1. Identify a specific terrorist organization and, if applicable, its umbrella organization and known affiliates. Is the organization a successor of a past organization or movement?
  2. Identify the terrorist organization’s core ideology: What does the organization profess and what are its stated or implied goals? Are these goals political, religious, and economic or a combination?
  3. Identify the roles of cultural, social, and personal identity within the group’s framework.
  4. Identify the key players, political affiliates, and status on the U.S. Department of States lists of designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations and ties to State Sponsors.
  5. Answer the question: Has the organization achieved its stated objectives?
  6. Identify the current status of the organization.

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