Role of Figuration and Abstraction in American Art

Role of Figuration and Abstraction in American Art Discuss the role of figuration and abstraction in American art from 1850 to 1950.

Role of Figuration and Abstraction in American Art
Role of Figuration and Abstraction in American Art

USE five examples. ( examples#1; Homer, The banjo lesson, The turtle pound, The gulf stream)(#2; Eakins, Max Schmidt in a single dull, Portrait of Edith Mahon, Gross clinic)(#3; Whisler, Portrait of Painter’s mother, Mother, and child, Nocturne blue and gold)(#4 O’Keeffe, Evening star, jack in the pulpit) you can use any of this artist’s work or others from 1850to 1950.  Questions over the meaning, origin, and necessity of abstract art have formed some of the central riddles of modern art. The answers to them can seem even more remote now that contemporary painting encompasses veins of both abstraction and figuration.

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