Role of propaganda in World War One
Essay is on Propaganda in world war one: I will send you photos of what you have to do. please read this CAREFULLY.
1. Make sure you make up 10 questions and on the page put them in bullet point and explain them all. Example: 1.How did propaganda affect the war? blah blah blah 2. Did propaganda help bolster the army? blah blah blah etc…
2. You have to do a website evaluation: the information on that will be on one of the photos i will send you. look at out for it. ITS THE ONE THAT SAYS
WEBSITE EVALUATION and follow what it says to do i.e: Bibliographical details, Information about author, Summary of website, Quotes and then how useful it
was for the investigation.
3. You need to do a research task and this links back to the questions. You need to refer back to the questions and then answer them in notes from different sources. You need to get some notes from actual books, 2 sets of notes to be exact from books, the other notes need to be on the internet. one again do this in bullet point form. you will see what the page looks like when i send the photo to you. THE PAGE IS THE ONE THAT SAYS NOTES- WITH PAGE REFERENCE WITH SOURCE TO THE LEFT OF THAT. MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE WEBSITES OR BOOKS YOU USED OVER THE TOP OF THE SET OF NOTES AND USE THE HARVARD SYSTEM FOR THE
BIBLIOGRAPHY. Make sure the notes are like this:
For the next one repeat but with another book or website
*Make sure you are using the Harvard system bibliography way.
4. Do a 200 word reflection on how the project went: What topic did i choose? why did i choose this topic? what did I learn? etc…
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