Role of supervisors and Communication Characteristics Do you believe supervisors should attempt to understand the communication characteristics of their Generation X and Millennial officers? Justify your response.
Assume that you are assigned to conduct a program audit of a grant to a municipal police department whose purpose is to reduce driving while intoxicated violations.

What documents would you want to review and what kinds of data would you think is important?
Why is it difficult for police chiefs to bring about paradigm shifts within their own police organizations?
Do you believe that police officers should be held to a higher standard than other professions with respect to negligence in the line of duty? Justify your response.
Reading and Resources for Role of supervisors and Communication Characteristics
Management of Police Organizations
Burgess, M., Fleming, J., & Marks, M. (2006). Thinking critically about police unions in Australia: Internal
democracy and external responsiveness. Police Practice & Research, 7(5), 391-409.
Calabrese, A. (2004). The evaluation of quality of organizational communications: A quantitative
model. Knowledge & Process Management, 11(1), 47-67. doi:10.1002/kpm.188
Fleming, J., Marks, M., & Wood, J. (2006). Standing on the inside looking out: The significance of police
unions in networks of police governance. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology
(Australian Academic Press), 39(1), 71-89. doi:10.1375/acri.39.1.71
Heintze, T., & Bretschneider, S. (2000). Information technology and restructuring in public organizations:
Does adoption of information technology affect organizational structures, communications, and
decision making?