Roles of a Hospital Administrator Improvement Program

Roles of a Hospital Administrator Improvement Program Imagine yourself as a hospital administrator ready to undertake a new quality improvement program for your hospital.

Roles of a Hospital Administrator Improvement Program
Roles of a Hospital Administrator Improvement Program

In the previous assignment in unit two you explained the history and evolution of quality improvement programs to your employees and detailed how current operations management theory can help in the implementation of any new program developed. Through that effort you prepared the team for development of a new plan for the hospital that will improve patient outcomes for the facility.
In this compare-contrast assignment you and your team will decide which approach to use to implement your plan of action. The team has narrowed the approach down to a total quality management strategic approach or management by objectives operations strategy or other proactive continuous quality improvement measures. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of at least two approaches and decide on the approach the facility will use moving forward with the plan. Explain some of the elements involved in successful healthcare quality improvements efforts. Examine the strategic and tactical planning issues relevant to marketing, opportunity assessment, and external environment analysis in the two approaches. Provide a recommendation for the best quality improvement approach for the facility.
Your paper should be at least 4 pages (not including the title or reference pages) long following APA 6th edition formatting, with a word count of at least 1000. Please visit the Writing Center for more information about citing and formatting. Your viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained, and your paper should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. The paper should be completed in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization. You should have at least four scholarly or peer-reviewed sources other than the book for the course. Please visit the Library for other resources.

Roles of a Hospital Administrator Improvement Program Requirements

Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of at least two approaches and decide on the approach the facility will use moving forward with the plan. You will compare and contrast two operational management theories that could help in the implementation of quality improvement programs.
Examine the strategic and tactical planning issues relevant to marketing, opportunity assessment, and external environment analysis in the two approaches.
Provide a recommendation for the best quality improvement approach for the facility.
The assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling).
The assignment should be double spaced and must use a 12 point and Times New Roman. APA title page
Intro- identify the CQI focus (reducing ER wait times, improving cancer patient morbidity, reducing medication errors, reducing patient falls etc)

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