Roman Republican Temple of Portunus in Rome

Roman Republican Temple of Portunus in Rome
   Roman Republican Temple of Portunus in                                             Rome

How does the Roman Republican Temple of Portunus in Rome reflect both Greek and Etruscan styles? Remember: Write your response in full and complete sentences. No bullet point answers will be accepted

What is the message of the Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs? How do the Portrait of the Four Tetrarchs show a turn away from the Classical representations of figures and towards symbolic representation?

Part V: Two essay questions

Demonstrate your mastery of subject by using specific terms and historical information as necessary. DO NOT USE BULLET POINTS. ALWAYS WRITE IN FULL SENTENCES.

  1. Select three Roman Emperor portraits that you think best demonstrate the evolution of the Roman Empire –one each from the Early, High, and Late Imperial periods. How does each artwork illustrate the cultural change of the period?

2.Using the Flavian Amphitheater, Forum of Trajan, and the Pantheon, evaluate the role of Imperial architecture in the construction of a Roman identity. Explain each site’s physical construction and function and establish their specific cultural significance in representing the power of the Empire.

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