rule that Malcolm Gladwell made famous

Rule that Malcolm Gladwell made famous
Rule that Malcolm Gladwell made famous

Rule that Malcolm Gladwell made famous

After reading Chapter 1 of Freakonomics, please comment on the following questions

1) What are the 3 types of incentives the authors discuss in Chapter 1? Please provide an example of each one, and which of these is the most powerful?

2) What do school teachers and sumo wrestlers have in common?

After listening to the podcast How to become great at just about anything, please comment on the questions listed

  1. What is deliberate practice, and how does it differ from the 10,000-hour rule that Malcolm Gladwell made famous?
  2. Can you name someone who probably uses some or all of the deliberate practice principles? What would you love to become an expert at? Are you willing to make the deliberate practice investment?

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