Sale of goods Acts Research Assignment

Sale of goods Acts
             Sale of goods Acts

Sale of goods Acts

The remedies available to buyer and the remedies available to the seller when there is a defaults in a contract to which the sale of goods acts applies.

Order Instructions:

discuss the remedies available to buyer and the remedies available to the seller when there is a defaults in a contract to which the sale of goods acts applies.


Sale of goods Acts


The general principles of the law of contract that relates to remedies such as damages and restitution apply to the sales of goods act in an action either to the seller or the buyer.

The remedies available to the seller are;

1 Action for price

Under the contract of sale, and where the property in the goods or items sold has already passed to the buyer and the buyer willfully refuses to honor his part of agreement by either not paying the price agreed or defaults on a major condition of the contract, the seller may maintain institute an action to recover the price of goods from the buyer (Hare, 2003).

2 Action for damages for non-acceptance of goods

Where the buyer unlawfully or wrongfully refuses or neglects to accept goods delivered to him after a lawful agreement, the seller may maintain an action for damages against the buyer for non acceptance.

  1. Specific performance

In an action instituted for breach of a contract, the court may compel the defaulting party to perform his part of the contract without the option of retaining the goods or payment of damages.


Damages for non-delivery

Where the seller unlawfully or wrongfully refuses or neglects to deliver the goods after a lawful agreement, then the buyer may maintain an action for damages against the seller for non delivery (Hare, 2003).

Specific performance

In an action instituted for breach of a contract, the court may compel the defaulting party to perform his part of the contract without the option of retaining the goods or payment of damages.


Hare, J. C. (2003) The Law of Contracts. Clark, N.J.: Lawbook Exchange.

L’Estrange V Grautob (1934) 2 K.B. 688

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