Samuel Scheffler, Death and the Afterlife

Samuel Scheffler, Death and the Afterlife
   Samuel Scheffler, Death and the                                    Afterlife

Samuel Scheffler, Death and the Afterlife

This paper is ONLY for individuals who have read the book Samuel Scheffler, Death and the Afterlife. New York: Oxford University Press, 2013.

This paper only focus on pages 85-110 in a section titled “Fear, Death, and Confidence.”

The paper should be 2500-3000 words long. The paper should be typed, double-spaced. Include a word count at the end of each paper. (2500 is fine)

The paper should describe the issue on which you have chosen to focus, lay out the position you have chosen to take on that issue, and defend that position. Your position might be, for example, a criticism of a particular philosopher’s view, or a defense of a particular view from a certain objection, or a suggested revision of a view that enables it to avoid a certain criticism.

You might need to explicate a view or an argument you are focusing on; do this clearly and accurately. A major part of the paper should consist of your argument for the position you have taken. Present reasons why your view should be accepted, consider objections to your position, and reply to those objections. Aim to persuade your reader.

The paper should draw from at least one of the assigned readings for the course. You may, but you need not, draw from additional sources.

Crediting sources: If you get an idea from something that you have read, include a footnote or endnote identifying the source. If you quote something, use quotation marks and include a footnote or endnote. The first time a reference appears in a note, give full bibliographic information. For a book, give author, title, city where published, publisher, publication date, and page number(s). For an article in a journal, give author, title, journal name, volume, year, and page numbers. For a web source, give the web address and date accessed.

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