Scholarship Statement of Purpose Essay

Scholarship Statement of Purpose Essay I am applying for a scholarship to do study aboard and I need help with my essay.

Scholarship Statement of Purpose Essay
Scholarship Statement of Purpose Essay

I was born in Addis Ababa Ethiopia and I have been to London, Paris, India, Kenya, Dubai, Canada, Italy and Turkey I love to travel and see new things and I really want to Uganda to do my study aboard but it $5000 dollars for my school and I really need scholarship so I can go for free and get school credit and this is the website to help you want they need There is to part two the essay

(1) Scholarship Statement of Purpose Essay and The Statement of Purpose essay

is a very important factor in the selection process. You should carefully review your essay and ask an advisor to proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and content prior to submission. In the text box provided below, please address the following questions, in no particular order. Be specific in describing your individual reasons for studying abroad keeping in mind that this is a scholarship for academic study abroad.

  1. Why do you wish to study or intern abroad and what factors led you to this decision? What do you hope to gain from and what do you anticipate will be the impact of your experience abroad?
  2. Describe your study or intern abroad program. What factors led you to select this program and length of study?
  3. Why have you chosen your country of study? What factors led you to select this country?
  4. How will this study or intern abroad program and the coursework you take abroad impact your academic and future professional goals?
  5. Are there any distinctive components to this program, beyond coursework, that will impact your overall learning experience abroad? (I.e. home-stays, internships, field research, volunteer activities, extra-curricular activities, etc.)
  6. What challenges, if any, did you face in your decision to study or intern abroad? How did you meet these challenges and what impact do you foresee them having on your experience abroad? These could include but are not limited to, being a parent, being a non-traditional student, having a learning or physical disability, being in a field of study for which it is difficult to incorporate study abroad, etc.

(2)Scholarship Statement of Purpose Essay Follow-on Service Projects

Should you be selected to receive a Gilman Scholarship, you will be required to carry out a Follow-on Service Project upon your return to the U.S. which promotes the Gilman Program and international education on your home campus and/or in your community. All applicants will be required to write a proposal explaining how you will give back by inspiring others to pursue their own experiences abroad. Projects should maximize the impact of your experience abroad by extending the benefits you received on your campus and community. Projects should be clear, able to be completed in approximately one semester and have obtainable goals. Examples of Follow-on Service Projects can be found here. You should carefully review your essay and ask an advisor to proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and content prior to submission. Summarize your Follow-on Service Project Proposal in paragraph format by addressing the following questions.

  1. Briefly outline your proposed project to promote the Gilman Scholarship and international education. How will this project impact your home university or home community? What are your project goals?
  2. What is your target population and how will your project impact this group?
  3. How will you integrate the impact of your experiences abroad into your project?
  4. What, if any, campus departments, student organizations, and/or community organizations will you collaborate with in promoting the Gilman Scholarship and international education? Have you already made contact with these groups?
  5. Upon completion of your project, you will be required to submit a two-page final report summarizing your experience abroad and the impact of your Follow-on project.

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