Science and Technology Blog Assignment

Science and Technology
Science and Technology

Blog: Science and Technology

Prompt #1: Choose from the following readings/topics

Charles Darwin’s ‘Natural Selection” (pp. 706-709) and Verlyn Klinkenborg’s “Darwin at 200: The Ongoing Force of His Unconventional Idea” (pp. 711-714)
Oliver Sachs’ “Anybody Out There” (pp. 742-745)
Write a 500-word comparative essay on evolution and creationism. Search for two web sites, one promoting the idea of evolution, and one promoting creationism. Compare and contrast the approach of each site as well as the reliability and validity of the information. Consider the approach of each site, visitor comments, visual appearance, and professionalism of the site. Be sure to include reference list and a hyperlink within your text to the site.

Prompt #2: In Rachel Carson’s “The Obligation to Endure” (pp. 669 – 674), the author asserts that there is limited awareness of the threat to our environment, and we are in an era dominated by “industry which [holds] the right to make a dollar at whatever cost” (674). In 300 words, respond to that assertion by sharing your position on the rights of business versus the needs of the community for safe land, water, and air. For further thought, consider reading McKibben’s “The Environmental Issue from Hell” (pp. 666-668)


Respond to two prompts with a minimum of 500 words for Prompt #1, and 300 words for Prompt #2
Graphic, photo, hyperlink or other visual (required).
Cite any sources used or quot.

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