Security and Quality Flaws
Complete the following for Assignment 1: Identify Security and Quality Flaws. Make sure that you have reviewed the practice activities and their solutions before attempting this assignment. If you are unfamiliar with the Java programming language, I also
Complete the following for Assignment 1: Identify Security and Quality Flaws. Make sure that you have reviewed the practice activities and their solutions before attempting this assignment. If you are unfamiliar with the Java programming language, I also recommend that you review the Java reference guides provided. You are not expected to have a full understanding of the Java programming language, but you need to be able to make some sense of the code in order to try to identify possible weaknesses.
- Open the file SecurityCheck2.java and read through the code snippet. Identify 1 area of improvement (weakness) based on the 7 security principles learned in Chapter 3:
Secure the Weakest Link
Defense in Depth
Fail Securely
Least Privilege
Keep it Simple
Secrets are Not Kept
The Saltzer and Schroeder Principles
Note the principle name (e.g. ìSecure the Weakest Linkî) and a short description of the weakness with a screenshot of the piece of problematic code.
- Open the file QualityCheck2.java and read through the code snippet. Identify 1 area of improvement (weakness) based on the 5 quality principles learned in Chapter 3:
Understandability and Portability
Maintainability and Testability
Flexibility and Reusability
Readability and Capability
Usability and Reliability
Note the principle name (e.g. Understandability and Portability”) and a short description of the weakness with a screenshot of the piece of problematic code.
Note that there are several answers to #1 and #2 above. Do your best to identify one problem for each. Again ñ you are not expected to be a Java programmer, but you are expected to read the code critically and learn to look for insecure programming patterns. Your explanation of why you identified an item is the most important thing I am looking for ñ I want to see that you understand what to look for in the code even if you may not understand it completely
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