SEE I Method Focusing On Issues Involving Philosophy

SEE I Method Focusing On Issues Involving Philosophy Use the SEE-I method and focusing on issues involving philosophy (i.e. metaphysics=theory of reality, epistemology=theory of knowledge, ethics=theory of good/right and bad/wrong).

SEE I Method Focusing On Issues Involving Philosophy
SEE I Method Focusing On Issues Involving Philosophy

NOTE: you must support your writing with concepts from the text (or the discipline of philosophy) and explore implications.
QUESTION 1: Judaism
Identify the key concepts (at least 3) of the Jewish faith.
QUESTION 2: Christianity:
Summarize the central beliefs (at least 3) of Christianity
QUESTION 3 – Islam:
. Summarize the central beliefs (at least 3) of Islam.
QUESTION 4: – Judaism and Islam
Compare and contrast how religious beliefs (concepts) impact (implications) the concept of marriage.
• S: State it
• E: Elaborate (explain it more fully, in your own words)
• E: Exemplify (give a good example)
• I: Illustrate (give an illustrations: maybe a metaphor, a simile, and analogy, a diagram, concept map, etc.

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