Select and analyze a marketing challenge

Select and analyze a marketing challenge faced by a company


Individual Consulting Project Paper

For this individual assignment, each student will select and analyze a marketing challenge faced by his or her company. Each student is responsible for analyzing the situation, conducting all necessary research (both internally and externally), and preparing a written marketing plan.

Individual Consulting Project Contents 

Executive Summary

• Summary of plan’s goals and recommendations 

• End by clearly stating the problem that will be addressed in the plan. 

Current Situation and Trends/Performance Review

• Environmental Analysis. Discuss market situation and macro-environmental situation. 

• For existing products, how has this product performed in the past? 

• List specific competitors and describe their marketing strategies. 

• End this section with 2 or 3 issues that comprise the main/basic questions which must be addressed in the plan.

Key Issues

• SWOT (Strength, Weakness, opportunity, Threat) Analysis on your company. The SWOT should be more than a table listing words or phrases. Ideas should be expounded on for clarity. 


• List Objectives (about 3 to 5). 

• Make the objectives “SMART” (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound).

• Consider what you would like the company to accomplish regarding sales revenue, sales growth, market share, consumer awareness, distribution, average price, new customers, repeat customers, customer satisfaction

Marketing Strategy

• Which targeting strategy will you use? Provide justification. (see Chapter 7) 

• Which business strategy will you use? Provide justification. (see Chapter 9) 

• What is your positioning statement? (see Chapter 8) 

Action Plans

• Who is your target market? 

• Develop a marketing mix strategy with respect to product, price, promotion, and place to achieve proposed objectives. 


• How will the plan’s progress be monitored? 

• How often will you monitor it? 

Contingency Plans

• What could happen to “throw a wrench” in your plans? 

• What is your “plan B”?

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