Selection process for curriculum materials

Selection process for curriculum materials
Selection process for curriculum materials

A literature and Internet search for information about how various schools and districts engage in the selection process for curriculum materials, including textbooks, software, and so forth.

Order Instructions:

  • Conduct a literature and Internet search for information about how various schools and districts engage in the selection process for curriculum materials, including textbooks, software, and so forth.
  • Identify the best practices for curriculum materials selection processes.
  • Prepare a Frequently Asked Questions document that provides an overview of the most effective curriculum materials selection process.


Selection process for curriculum materials

Every school and district finds themselves having to engage in the selection process for curriculum material.  These will include textbooks and software among many others.  When the process is inclusive and child focused then the results deliver of the objectives strongly.  The best practice is thus inclusive – all stakeholders are incorporated, responsive – feedback on what is working and what is not, and reactive – adapts to changing factors.

Some of the Frequently Asked Questions are those that provide an overview of the most effective curriculum materials selection process.  They include;

Does the school or district have to follow the state guidelines?  What if the school or district decided to use substitute textbooks and software?

When was the last review of the selection process for curriculum material?  In the latest review, did the review address the issues in the past evaluation cycle?

Do the regular reviews render the current textbooks obsolete?  Can textbooks deemed obsolete be converted into a resource?

How long is the average text book obsolescence cycle?  With the curriculum review, what percent of the textbook actually changes?

Can a student use a past edition textbook to gain the same knowledge?  Have the same examples been used in the latest edition textbook as in the earlier editions to achieve continuity?

Can learners and teachers offer feedback?  Will the information shared in the feedback form be shared with other parties or used to analyze trends from?

What happens to schools or districts that would want to opt out of the arrangement?  Would they be allowed to outsource the same products from competition?

Will there be an in-service dissemination training to cascade the information about the changes and the process to the teachers and stakeholders?


Magnoni, D., Offenbacher, C., & Kejriwal, A. (2012). Creating a materials samples collection to support the engineering curriculum. Library Management, 33(8), 511-524. doi:

Zelin,Robert C.,,II, & Baird, J. E. (2012). USING PUBLICLY AVAILABLE PODCASTS AND VODCASTS IN THE ACCOUNTING CURRICULUM: SUGGESTIONS AND STUDENT PERCEPTIONS. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 16(1), 87-98. Retrieved from

Buerck, J. P. (2002). Ethics – a curriculum enhancement initiative in applied computer science technology degree programs.Teaching Business Ethics, 6(2), 167. Retrieved from

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