Setting Metrics for Progress and Success Childhood Obesity

Setting Metrics for Progress and Success
Setting Metrics for Progress and Success

Setting Metrics for Progress and Success Childhood Obesity

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HLTH 8136 Week 10 Group Activity

Just as there is a growing trend for public health interventions to be evaluated for their effectiveness, so public health organizations are increasingly expected to show their own “return on investment.”
The concept of return on investment, or ROI, is just one of the business principles that public health leaders are incorporating in their organizations to bring about more effective ways of conducting public health. Revenue generation, entrepreneurialism, and cost shifting are among the other principles that leaders should be conversant with. Business skills are vital because they allow an organization to make the greatest impact on the health of communities using the limited resources they have.
This week you will learn about a wide range of business principles and practices that can improve the effectiveness of public health organizations and can even allow them to generate revenues to help keep their programs afloat. You will also focus this week on a matter that pertains to many professionals as they attempt to move ahead in their career: the problem of leadership derailment, in which for one reason or another a leader’s career stalls. In the video program this week you will hear more about how you can recognize whether your career is derailing and what you can do to keep it on track.


Setting Metrics for Progress and Success Childhood Obesity

1. What is the relationship between ROI and evaluation?

2. How would you measure ROI for your group’s particular program or endeavor? What are the metrics you would set by which to measure progress and success? Justify your choices.

3. What other business skills would be important for a leader to demonstrate in leading this proposed change? Explain your views.


Orton, S., & Menkens, A. (2006). Business planning for public health from the North Carolina institute for public health. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 12(5), 489-492.

Roper, W. L. (2006). The Management Academy for Public Health: Together we can make a difference. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 12(5), 407-408.


I. Paper should demonstrate an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the texts.

II. Paper provides significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other sources, and discerning ideas.

III. Paper should be well organized, uses scholarly tone, follows APA style, uses
original writing and proper paraphrasing, contains very few or no writing and/or
spelling errors, and is fully consistent with doctoral level writing style.

IV. Paper should be mostly consistent with doctoral level writing style.



The major challenges facing the health sector especially in public health management is the need for more accountability and effective business management skills. The demand for accountability and prudent resource management strategies in public expenditure in provision of health care services is greatly hampered by the need to offer quality services and also the need to increase accessibility to all areas of public health.

Evaluation refers to the assessment of the performance of the of the Return on Investment (ROI) strategies that have been implemented at the health facility. Public Health practitioners are trained to offer services that provide the opportunity for the common public to lead a standard healthy life. To measure the ROI of a successful health facility, the practitioner collects data on the number of attendees seeking services at particular health facility that needs to be evaluated. For example, the number of children brought to the center for immunization against the threat of rabies, bioterrorism or for checkup on obesity related complications and who are mostly underinsured or poor. The success rate can be compared to the percentage rate of the number of immunized children against the estimated number of children in that region (Roper, 2006).   An average rate of about 50% is fair while less than 50% will be considered below average. The other ROI measures can be implemented on the number of projects that are being undertake in a particular district for example on such programs like the  prevention of lead poisoning and the support for preterm children. However, the success rates for such projects can be evaluated through pilot projects to assess their success or failure rates. The data collected in the field can be analyzed and used to make cross-disciplinary collaboration in order to improve and protect public health services.

Finally, the application of Management Academy business models from the University of North Carolina that combines business models and public health management while utilizing the state-of-the-art modern business methods to manage the facilities can greatly provide good returns on investment made (Orton & Menkens, 2006). The entrepreneurial approach of managing public health aims at maintaining the sustainability of the programs being undertaken by practitioners who are experienced in business planning skills.


Orton, S. & Menkens, A. (2006). Business planning for public health from the North Carolina institute for public health. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 12(5), 489-492.

Roper, W. L. (2006). The Management Academy for Public Health: Together we can make a difference. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice, 12(5), 407-408.

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