Settlement Movement
Order Instructions:
1. Introduction
2. History context
3: Body – three differences paragraphs
4. Conclusion
With reference to Settlement Movement (Chenoweth & McAuliffe 2015, p.34) discuss the relevance of their underpinning ideas to the development of human services in Australia
Font size no smaller than 12 point
1.5 line spacing
Pages numbered
Name in header or footer
Left hand margin of 3.5 cm and all other margins of at least 2.5 cm
Learning Resources
You will need continual access to the following text(s) to complete this course. The library does not hold multiple copies of the nominated text books. It is strongly recommended that you purchase the book(s).
Chenoweth, L & McAuliffe, D 2012, The road to social work and human service practice, 3rd edn, Cengage Learning, South Melbourne.
Essential readings:
Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) 2010, Code of Ethics, Australian Association of Social Workers, Canberra.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2013, Australia’s welfare 2013: in brief Cat. no. AUS 175, AIHW, Canberra.
Baldry, E 2011, Studying for social work, Sage, London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif.
Cameron, A 2011, ‘Impermeable boundaries? Developments in professional and inter-professional practice’, Journal of Interprofessional Care, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 53-58.
Couch, J 2011, ”My life just went zig zag’ Refugee young people and homelessness’, Youth Sutides Australia, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 22-32.
Fejo-King, C & Briskman, L 2009, ‘Reversing colonial practices with Indigenous peoples’, in Allun, J, Briskman, L & Pease, B (eds), Xritical Social Work Theories adn Practices for a Socially Just world, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest NSW.
Green, S & Baldry, E 2008, ‘Building Indigenous Australian Social Work’, Australian Social Work, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 389-402.
Jamrozik, A 2009, Social Policy in the Post-Welfare State, Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest.
Kvarnström, S, Willumsen, E, Andersson-Gäre, B & Hedberg, B 2012, ‘How Service Users Perceive the Concept of Participation, Specifically in Interprofessional Practice’, British Journal of Social Work, vol. 42, no. 1, January 1, 2012, pp. 129-146.
Rose, VK & Thompson, LM 2012, ‘Space, place and people: a community development approach to mental health promotion in a disadvantaged community’, Community Development Journal., vol. 47, pp. 604-611.
SOCIAL work Core Subject: Human service provision
Course Aim
To introduce students to foundation knowledge about the political context and development of the human services, their relationship to dominant values and the nature of professional intervention.Course Objectives
On completion of this course, students should be able to:
CO1. explain primary historical influences in the development of human service provision in Australia and the duality of those developments for indigenous people and non indigenous people
CO2. describe government and non-government patterns of delivery including regional, rural and remote area developments
CO3. describe a range of perspectives on values, including social justice, human rights and the implications for services in a multicultural, non-racist and gender sensitive context
CO4. give an account of notions of disadvantage, inclusion, exclusion, marginalisation, normalisation and equity
CO5. identify the professions and describe the roles and functions of practitioners in the human services
CO6. articulate values supporting the practice of professional intervention and explain the application of ethical guidelines to particular social situations
Graduate Qualities
A graduate of UniSA:
GQ1. operates effectively with and upon a body of knowledge of sufficient depth to begin professional practice
GQ2. is prepared for life-long learning in pursuit of personal development and excellence in professional practice
GQ3. is an effective problem solver, capable of applying logical, critical, and creative thinking to a range of problems
GQ4. can work both autonomously and collaboratively as a professional
GQ5. is committed to ethical action and social responsibility as a professional and citizen
GQ6. communicates effectively in professional practice and as a member of the community
GQ7. demonstrates international perspectives as a professional and as a citizen
Social work core Course sUBJECT: Human service provsion
Course Content
The students will develop knowledge of the impact of European invasion on Indigenous Australians and will become familiar with historical themes in social policy and human service provision with an emphasis on human rights and social justice and the role of government and non-government organisations in delivering human services.
The students will develop the skills to analyse comparative approaches to human service provision and the values and ethical foundations of human service professions
Settlement Movement
Human beings by their nature are mindful of their brothers and sisters welfare. The settlement movement was one of the reformist social movement aimed to help the less fortunate people in society. The disconnect between the rich and the poor was high and the movement intended to help bridge the gap and elevate the lives of the poor. The paper therefore deliberates on the settlement movement referencing to Chenoweth & McAuliffe (2015) in discussing the relevance of the underpinning ideas that led to the development of human services in Australia.
Historical context
The settlement Movement began in the 1880s and its activities peaked around 1920s in various countries such as US, England and in Australia (Baldry 2011). The major goal of this social movement was to ensure that the poor and the rich live together in an interdependent community. The major objectives of this movement were to come up with the settlement houses in urban areas that both middle class volunteers and poor people lived (Chenoweth & McAuliffe 2012). This would see these groups of people share their culture, and knowledge with one another in the quest to alleviate poverty among the low-income earners in these neighborhood. The settlement houses offered various services to the inhabitants such as healthcare, education, daycare, in quest to improve the lives of the people that lived in such areas. In Australia, the concept of social work a component of human services gained momentum in the 1920s as first professional social workers were hired to provide various human services. Commencement of training of social worker in Australia began in 1940s at University of Sydney. Many more schools adopted the American model in their training and theory. The concept of social worker has expanded across Australia in providing various social services to the people.
The idea of formation of this movement was relevant and contributed to the development of human services currently experienced in Australia. By championing interdependent between the poor and the rich, it provided an opportunity for the less fortunate to interact with the middle class. Sharing of knowledge and cultures is one of the ways that helped to elevate the living standards of the poor (Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) 2010). If people from low-income background intermingle with their counterpart from high-income level, they get exposed to the ideas and are able to learn on how to come out of their poverty status. The mindset of the poor is transformed and they begin to see things in different perspective. Being poor do not mean that one cannot be able to achieve their dreams. A range of human services provided in the Australia includes education, day care, rehabilitation services, accessibility to education among others. These services are designed to help alleviate problems people face and enhance quality of life of families, individuals and communities. These services are intended to help the less fortunate and those in need. The government and other nonprofit making organizations are the most active institutions that champion provision of these human services. People in need in the society are many and if government does not step in, then many of them will lead a miserable life. Interventions by providing services to these communities enable them to access to schools and health centers helping them transform the lives of these people.
Human services are also intended to provide a platform to create harmony in the society. The services need to be provided at all levels of the society without any form of discrimination. Justice and equity are crucial when it come to provision of these services. The level of autonomy of individuals, groups should be high to ensure that these systems are more efficient and effective and therefore help in the advocating of positive social change within the society. Social change need to cut across all the systems of the government including political, economic and social strata (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2013). The movement and the champion of the idea that resulted in the development of human resources saw a window of opportunity to transform the society. Political differences and wrangles are sorted out if there is equity in the provision of these services. The aspect of racism between the indigenous and the non indigenous communities is lessened through these systems if people can find a platform to share and assist one another then, the level of coexistence and sense of belonging improves (Rose & Thompson 2012). People united mostly cannot be divided and this helps to build a strong society and political systems that is not torn apart across the lines of racism.
Development of social movement as well contributed to provision of human services that have gone extra mile in enhancing social justice, and human rights in the society. People in Australia have a right to access to fundamental basic needs and facilities. Social justice is achieved if the less fortunate ones and the poor are given an opportunity to compete with that from-privileged society(Rose & Thompson 2012). A child of a peasant has the right to go to school to have equal chances in society. Therefore, offering these human services such as health facilities, and education facilities to the people in one way help to achieve social justice (Green & Baldry 2008). Social justice is also achieved if people from different ethnic groups are given equal opportunities in the society. Provision of these human services therefore helped to ensure that there was no discrimination across the society. Marginalization of some of the community is also avoided and in this way, people have a feeling that they are all valued. The values of the people and their perception about the country also improved (Prosser & Olson 2013).
In conclusion, it is therefore apparent that the Settlement movement was an idea that has had positive impact on the society and the way people live in many parts of the world, Australia included. Bringing people from different class and status in society was a noble idea that created an opportunity for people to share their knowledge and their culture this as well helped people to have a sense of belonging and to learn new aspects on life. The movement has as well played a key role in provision of human services to people from various parts of the country. These services have provided a platform to unite people from different ethnic groups’ and race. It has also helped to champion equity, justice and a sense of belonging hence transforming the way people view and live with others. It is no doubt that the benefits accrued from the concept of settlement movement has played a vital role in the society and will continue to impact positively on the lives of the future generation.
Reference list
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2013, Australia’s welfare 2013: in brief Cat. no. AUS 175, AIHW, Canberra.
Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) 2010, Code of Ethics, Australian Association of Social Workers, Canberra.
Baldry, E 2011, Studying for social work, London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif.
Chenoweth, L & McAuliffe, D 2012, The road to social work and human service practice, 3rd edn, Cengage Learning, South Melbourne.
Green, S & Baldry, E 2008, ‘Building Indigenous Australian Social Work’, Australian Social Work, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 389-402.
Prosser, B, & Olson, R 2013, ‘Changes in professional human care work: The case of nurse practitioners in Australia’, Health Sociology Review, Vol. 22(4), pp. 422-432.
Rose, V & Thompson, L 2012, ‘ Space, place and people: a community development approach to mental health promotion in a disadvantaged community, Community Development Journal., vol. 47, pp. 604-611.
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