Significance of holistic play Paper available

Significance of holistic play
    Significance of holistic play

Significance of holistic play

1. Evidence of a clear understanding of the importance of a variety of play types including self-directed play. The significance of holistic play should also be considered.
2. Evidence of a clear understanding of why exposing young children to risk is beneficial.
3. Inclusion of a risk assessment.
• Create a risk assessment (using the format provided)
• Choose an activity or piece of equipment and undertake a risk assessment on your chosen activity/equipment
• Consider the age group and ability of the children involved in the activity/equipment for the risk assessment
• Consider a range of elements depending on your chosen environment
4. Conclude your portfolio with a reflection of the preparation involved, the process of undertaking the risk assessment through to completion and the value of the process, linking your reflection to aspects of sections 1 and 2 of your portfolio.

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