Social cognition and perception.
Every day, people utilize social cognition and perception to understand their world and others. Your task is to explore and critically analyze a video clip from a television show or movie
that illustrates a concept related to social cognition or social perception found in chapter 2 or 3 of our textbook (e.g., schemas, self-fulfilling prophesy, availability heuristic, first impressions,
attributions, etc.). The information from the video clip will be compared to information found in our textbook.
Select only movie or television clips (not personally produced reels, TikToks, etc.). Do not choose a clip that may be offensive in terms of profanity, sexual innuendo, biased language, or unacceptable visuals. If you are not sure if your clip is acceptable, please choose a different
clip. Note: because it has been overused, please do not use clips from the movie “Mean Girls.”
1. Select a video clip from a movie or television show that demonstrates a concept related to social cognition or social perception (see chapters 2 and 3 in our textbook).
2. Analyze the clip in light of social psychology concepts (e.g., schemas, self-fulfilling prophesy, availability heuristic, first impressions, attributions, etc.).
3. Your paper must include the following:
a. Title Page
b. First section: Briefly summarize the clip
c. Second section: Identification, description and analysis of the illustrated concept
(e.g., schemas, self-fulfilling prophesy, availability heuristic, first impressions, attributions, etc.) with specific examples of how it is demonstrated in the clip (pretend that the reader knows nothing about social psychology and explain the phenomenon with citations from the textbook).
d. Third section: Evaluate how accurately or inaccurately the concept is represented.
e. Fourth section: Reflect on how the use of the concept was an advantage or
disadvantage in this case (e.g., did the heuristic help or hurt the character)
f. Reference page (Be sure to include the textbook and a link to the clip or a citation for the movie/tv show on your reference page)
4. Remember to use proper APA 7th formatting throughout the paper. Hint: use the items above as level-one headings in your paper: Summary, Discussion, Evaluation of Accuracy, Evaluation of Usefulness (Advantage/Disadvantage).
5. Before submitting your paper, use the grading rubric as a checklist to ensure that you have met all assignment requirements.