Social Democratic Political and Economic Model

Social Democratic Political and Economic Model
Social Democratic Political and Economic Model

Social Democratic Political and Economic Model

Christian Democracy and its Economic Model: Three Major Strategies used to control society by Authoritarian Regimes. Provide Examples.

P A R T   III  Answer the following four questions.  Provide Examples or explanatins to clarify and substantiate your statements.40 pts.

Q# 1 Is democracy or authoritarianism more conducive to generating economic growth? Discuss the three major arguments proposed by political scientists to respond to this question.

Is democracy or authoritarianism more conducive to generating economic growth? Discuss the three major arguments proposed by political scientists to respond to this question.

Pro-Democracy response:

Pro-Authoritarianism response

Neither Pro-Democracy Nor Pro-Authoritarianism

Q# 2  What are the three major strategies pursued by Mikhail Gorbachev from 1985 – 1991 to reform of the Soviet Union? Discuss the political and economic consequences.




Economic Consequences of these 3 strategies

Political Consequences of these 3 strategies

Q# 3.

What are the major economic and political policies pursued by the leaders of  the Chinese Communist Party which have led to the establishment of a “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”? Provide Examples.

Major Economic Policies Include:

Major Political Policies Include:

Q #

Compare the capabilities of citizens of Post communist Russia and China using the following indicators.  Provide an explanation or examples for the differences and similarities of their scores  ( Russia vs. the People’s Republic of China).

Identify and Discuss Indictors Used  to Measure Physical Well-Being

Identify Indictors Used  to Measure Informed Decision-Making:

Identify and Discuss Indicators Used to Measure Safety  (discuss the World Bank Indicator)

Identify Indicators Used  to Measure Democracy(discuss the World Bank Indicator)

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