Social work and Therapy
Find a question or topic that interests you. Ex. You may be a person who want to know about substance abuse treatment for Asian families. You formulate a question something like this: Are there cultural barriers in working with Asian families with substance abuse issues?
Once you formulate your question, you research the topic to find peer reviewed articles, scholar articles to talk about rather it is evidence base, evidenced informed, and ALL the information you can find regarding the model, technique or therapy they use.
Another Ex.: you may want to know more about teenage pregnancy in child welfare system. You can formulate a question that may say; How successful are African American teenager parents in the child welfare system and why or why not they parent successfully.
You may want to know more about Latinos and domestic violence, You can formulate a question that may say; How work with Latinos women in domestic violence relationship, what resources, and effective evidence-based therapeutic practices.
You can formulate a topic or questions pertaining to Native American families and barriers in working with through the child welfare system.
Ex. Formulate a question regrading program models for foster family that is evidence informed or evidenced based practice.
Ex. Evidenced based therapy for children with Autism, and are they effective for Latinos and African Americans, or does culture has an impact.
Listed below are some website to assist in finding peer reviewed articles and research:
While you are formulating your question, you give an introduced why this particular topic/question interest you. You can give an overview on the topic and then proceed to make sure the 6 points outlined is in the body of your paper:
1) formulate or select an answerable question,
2) conduct a search of the relevant literature, (this portion is researching your topic using peer review articles)
3) critically appraise the literature, this portion is researching your topic using peer review articles)
4) select an evidence-based or evidence-informed practice approach which he/she would implement as a BSW practitioner or to which he/she would refer a client (how you as the therapist/social worker would this technique, therapy, etc…)
5) describe the core components of the practice approach/program/model and (breakdown the model, or therapy technique)
6) explain the reasoning for his/her selection (why choose this topic and model/therapy)
It does not have to go in the order, but must have a follow and I should be able to read that you hit the all the main points.
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