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Sociology class Homework

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Number 1

I had a sixteen year old cousin watch the news channel on television for thirty minutes. During that time, I had to keenly watch his behavior as he watched television. The boy had his cell phone with him as he watched the news. He would frequently look at his phone for a few seconds, and then continue watching the news without pausing or freezing. However, on a few accession he had to send back a text and this would take a few minutes. On resuming watching television, he had to rewind the program to catch the bits of news he had missed when he was on the phone. He once froze the show and ran to the bathroom for some minutes then returned, unfroze and continued watching the show.

Number 2

After the news show was over, I asked him to give me a detailed summary of the news stories that were aired in the show. He gave all but one of the stories that had been aired on the show. When I asked him about the one he had omitted, he explained that he had watched that entire piece of story. He continued to give a detailed account of the whole story. However, some of the details on the other stories were scarce. Other details were also entirely inaccurate as he told them compared to what was aired during the news show.

Number 3

I usually watch television frequently. However, during the session I find myself doing some other activity that split my attention from the television show I was watching. I find myself replying to text messages, returning calls and at times even playing a cell phone game. I can also find myself eating and I at times fall asleep while watching a television show. I find that whenever I am distracted while watching television there are bits of the content that I do not grasp. I find that the accuracy of the information I have on the stories in the show is wanting. Moreover, I also do not at time get to watch how the show ended and thus, I do not have the details of the entire show. However, when I have all my attention channeled to the shows I watch on television, I get to know the full story. I can also narrate the stories accurately and in details.

Number 4

A study on the population of the US showed that about sixty percent of people use a second screen when watching television. The study called this behavior the second screen paradigm. People who use the second screen while watching television are usually distracted and therefore, do not grasp all the content being aired on television. This behavior is in line with the theory of dual coding. The theory states that, people often remember and process information that is presented to them both as visual and audio (CCD Conference, 2103). The lack in the content after watching a show on television while using a second screen or a phone is well explained from this theory. Whenever my cousin or I looked away from the television to look at our phones, the flow of information from the show is disrupted. The combination of the sound and video gets information faster to the brain. However, when is disrupted, this flow of information to the brain is also disrupted. The theory explained the missing details from the show and the inaccuracy of the information one has about a show they saw when using a second screen.


CCD (Conference), Rau, P. L. P., & International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. (2013). Cross-cultural design: Methods, practice, and case studies : 5th International Conference, CCD 2013, held as part of HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 21-26, 2013, Proceedings. Berlin: Springer.

European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, In Boulus-Rødje, N., In Ellingsen, G., In Bratteteig, T., In Aanestad, M., & In Bjørn, P. (2015). ECSCW 2015: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 19-23 September 2015, Oslo, Norway.

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