Southeast Asian Nannies Abused in California

Southeast Asian Nannies Abused in California The topic is “Southeast Asian nannies abused in California”.
My teacher requires “It’s not that you needed to be more specific about the WHO necessarily, but the WHERE.

Southeast Asian Nannies Abused in California
Southeast Asian Nannies Abused in California

The reason is that nannies in New York do in fact have a different experience than nannies in California. This is because laws sometimes vary between states…and how a labor department deals with abuse or how the state deals with undocumented immigrants is different. So the reason you need to be specific about California is because the reasons (the WHY causes of the problem) will be specific to California.”

Southeast Asian Nannies Abused in California Paper Guidelines

I have attached the guidelines for this paper. Also, there is a specific requirement for thesis in the guidelines.  And there is a sample called “Because She Looks Like a Child by Kevin Bales“.
Southeast Asian Nannies Abused in California Southeast Asian nannies abused in California”.
My teacher requires “It’s not that you needed to be more specific about the WHO necessarily, but the WHERE. The reason is that nannies in New York do in fact have a different experience than nannies in California. This is because laws sometimes vary between states…and how a labor department deals with abuse or how the state deals with undocumented immigrants is different.  Southeast Asian Nannies Abused in California So the reason you need to be specific about California is because the reasons (the WHY causes of the problem) will be specific to California.”
I have attached the guidelines for this papaer. Also, there is a specific requirement for thesis in the guidelines.  And there is a sample called “Because She Looks Like a Child by Kevin Bales”. Southeast Asian Nannies Abused in California So the reason you need to be specific about California is because the reasons (the WHY causes of the problem) will be specific to California.”

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