Southern Electric Company Case Study

Southern Electric Company Case Study
Southern Electric Company Case Study

Southern Electric Company Case Study

Southern Electric Company Case Study

Please answer the following questions based on your analysis of the case ACID RAIN: SOUTHERN COMPANY (A).

1. What alternatives does Southern Company have in complying with the new law?

2. What is Southern’s least cost alternative? You should calculate the net present value of each option considered, using the data in case exhibits. (analysis should cover the period 1992-2016)

3. What uncertainties does the company face in its choice? Which of these might cause it not to pursue the least cost strategy?

Please submit a MS-Excel spreadsheet file showing all formulae and calculations for question

Please name the excel file with team member names e.g. Zadro-Bianculli-Brajevich-Southern electric.xls. Multiple assignments with same name may mess up my grading.

Ensure also that the answers to question 1 and question 3 are included
in the spreadsheet.

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