Split allegiances and sense of belonging to Canada

Split allegiances and sense of belonging to Canada
Split allegiances and sense of belonging to Canada

Split allegiances and sense of belonging to Canada

Answer the reflection question (750 words)
in this personal and final reflection, you will discuss one of the most important ideologies in our time: nationalism. How is it at play in Canada, what shape does it take and how does it influence your identity?

1. you could discuss your split allegiances and sense of belonging to Canada in

comparing and contrasting your personal experience with the one of a nation within the nation you studied during the course (If you raise a point of comparison, make sure that you provide examples related to the nation)

2. you could discuss the relationship you have with the idea of being (or not being) Canadian and how this affect your sense of belonging to a nation within the nation or to the Canadian nation as promoted by a type of nationalism. (provide any concrete evidence for this)

You will have to refer to at least two (2) mandatory readings from the course and use at least two (2) examples from the course material (including the research you or your peers have done). (all are uploaded in the files)

When using the terms nation, nationalism or other polysemic words, please define them.
Make sure not to use statements that are too vague or broad.

Take advantage of the theories learnt in class.

Proofread your work before submitting.

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