SPSS Hypothesis Testing Assignment Available

SPSS Hypothesis Testing
SPSS Hypothesis Testing

SPSS Hypothesis Testing

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Module 6 Application Assignment Worksheet

SPSS Hypothesis Testing


For this assignment, you perform a two-sample independent t-test, an ANOVA, and a correlation analysis related to the data set that has been utilized in the previous two modules. Import the data into SPSS or, if you correctly saved the data file from the Module 4 and 5 Assignments, you may open and use that saved file to complete this Assignment. Type your answers to all questions directly into the worksheet, and paste the required output at the end of this document.

 Submit this Application Assignment by Day 7 of Week 11.

Research Scenario

A researcher is interested in the effect of a new medication on serum cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and glycosylated hemoglobin of adults.  The researcher randomly selects a sample of 40 (20 male and 20 female) participants who have been diagnosed with high cholesterol. Assuring equal distribution of males and females, the participants are randomly assigned to one of two conditions (or groups):  Following pretest measures of serum cholesterol (chol), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and glycosylated hemoglobin (glyhb), the experimental group (Group 1) is given the medication for a period of 6 months while the control group (Group 2) is given a placebo.  After the 6 months,chol, HDL, and glyhb are again measured.

 The post test data for each participant are provided in the Module 4 Application Assignment Data Set Excel file and can be found in the Module 6 Learning Resources. The codebook for the data provided is as follows:

AGE                       Age in years

SEX                         1 =male, 2=female

GROUP 1 =medication, 2=placebo

CHNG_CHOL      change in cholesterol from pretest to posttest

HDL                        High-density lipoprotein at posttest

GLYHB                   Glycosylated hemoglobin at posttest


Step 1: Import the Microsoft Excel data file into SPSS or use the correct saved SPSS data file as noted in the instructions above.

Step 2: Conduct an independent samples t-test to determine if there is a difference between Group 1 (medication) and Group 2 (placebo) in terms of changes in cholesterol values. Note that the independent variable is GROUP, and the dependent variable is CHNG_CHOL .For this analysis, choose a two-tailed test of significance. (Be sure to save your output.)

Step 3: Conduct a between-subjects ANOVA to determine if there is a difference between sex (males vs. females) and HDL. Note that the independent variable is SEX, and the dependent variable is HDL. For this analysis, choose a two-tailed test of significance. (Be sure to save your output.)

Step 4: Conduct a Pearson correlation to determine if there is a relationship between HDL and GLYHB. For this analysis, choose a two-tailed test of significance. (Be sure to save your output.)

Step 5: Review your SPSS output and answer each of the following questions:

From the independent samples t-test output:

  1. What is the mean CHNG_CHOL for Group 1? _________-5.95
  2. What is the CHNG_CHOL standard deviation for Group 1? _________095
  3. What is the mean CHNG_CHOL for Group 2? _________-.45
  4. What is the CHNG_CHOL standard deviation for Group 2? _________395
  5. What is the calculated t-score (equal variances assumed)? _________– 5.376
  6. What is the probability that the obtained t-score was simply due to chance as opposed to actual gender differences [see “Sig (two-tailed)” on output]? _________00
  7. If the probability associated with the obtained t-score is <0.05, we assume the results (difference in mean CHNG_CHOL between groups) are much more likely due to the effects of the medication than to chance. In other words, we would say the results are statistically significant. Are the results statistically significant (yes or no)?  _________No

From the ANOVA output:

  1. What is the mean HDL for group males? _________85
  2. What is the HDL standard deviation for males? _________788
  • What is the mean HDL for group females? _________30
  1. What is the HDL standard deviation for females? _________477
  2. What is the calculated F-value? __________251
  3. What is the probability (noted as “Sig” on output) that the obtained F-value was simply due to chance as opposed to actual gender differences? __________01

From the correlation output:

  1. What is the Pearson correlation score for HDL and GLYHB? _________– 587
  2. What is the direction of the correlation value and what does this mean? _____ The direction of the correlation is negative. This implies that as HDL increase, GLYHB decreases and vice versa is true
  3. What is the probability for the obtained Pearson correlation score [see “Sig (two-tailed)” on output]? _significant at 0.01 (2-tailed)
  4. If the probability associated with the Pearson correlation is <05, we assume a significant relationship. Is there a significant relationship between HDL and GLYHB? _________No

Step 6: Paste all required SPSS output below.

T test

Group Statistics
GROUP N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
CHNG_CHOL 1 20 -5.65 4.095 .916
2 20 -.45 1.395 .312


Independent Samples Test
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
Lower Upper
CHNG_CHOL Equal variances assumed 13.247 .001 -5.376 38 .000 -5.200 .967 -7.158 -3.242
Equal variances not assumed -5.376 23.349 .000 -5.200 .967 -7.199 -3.201

One way ANOVA

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Minimum Maximum
Lower Bound Upper Bound
males 20 40.85 7.788 1.742 37.20 44.50 28 56
females 20 49.30 7.477 1.672 45.80 52.80 39 69
Total 40 45.08 8.666 1.370 42.30 47.85 28 69


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 714.025 1 714.025 12.251 .001
Within Groups 2214.750 38 58.283
Total 2928.775 39


HDL Pearson Correlation 1 -.587**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 40 40
GLYHB Pearson Correlation -.587** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 40 40
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

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