State Funded Programs and Budget Analysis Paper

State Funded Programs and Budget Analysis Paper What is the state-funded program you are interested in analyzing?
What are the issues that we Californians face regarding this state-funded program?
What are the pros and cons for funding or not funding this state-funded program?

State Funded Programs and Budget Analysis Paper
State Funded Programs and Budget Analysis Paper

Who will be impacted most and what potentially can happen as a result?
How will the proposal affect Californians in the next five to ten years down the road?
You will need to include a Works Cited page with at least 10 sources (book, Internet, and/or journal articles). Please refrain from plagiarizing and do not
include quotes from other sources, rather paraphrase from your sources. If you include statistics in your paper, please provide the source(s). If 10 sources
is too many, do at least 5.

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