State V Clopten Case Essay Assignment

State V Clopten Case
State V Clopten Case

State V Clopten Case

1) Summarize the facts of the case, including how the case wound up before the U.S. Supreme Court.

2) State what the existing law is and what new issue is being decided – each case is going to have some variation that makes the court question how to apply existing law to a new set of facts.

3) State what the outcome of that issue was. How did the court resolve resolve the question that was before it? What is the take-away/what new principle does this new case represent?

4) Why did the court find this way? What was some of the reasoning?

5) Did any of the Justices concur (agree but for different reasons) or dissent (disagree)?

While each of these sections can be brief, you need to discuss each of these in your own words to receive maximum points. Numbers 2 and 3 are particularly important to me!

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