Statistics Center in UAE
A detailed report on leading organizational development (OD). Intervention.
The length of the report is minimum 3000 words; maximum 4000 words.
This in-depth analytical work will assess your skill to adopt appropriate OD principles in application to policy making and change regarding your place of employment (work)
Hint :
My report about ” Statistic Center in UAE” SCAD
this wibsite. https://www.scad.gov.abudhabi/en/pages/default.aspx
Please Follow the HR/OD Intervention Completion Report focus on between 70 % to 90 %.
Also Make sure to follow example report in Word DOC.
About “Poor Organizational Structure Hindering Effectiveness of Abu Dhabi Farmers Services Center (ADFSC)”.
Follow the Chapter 9:
Introduction to Interventions
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