Strategic Information Technology Acquisition

Strategic Information Technology Acquisition
Strategic Information Technology Acquisition

Strategic Information Technology Acquisition

You are to write a paper (2000 – 3000 words) based on the Scenario you choose.

Option 1 is to write about IT programs from your current or previous organization(s). Option 2 was to write about the Air Force ECSS project.

This assignment requires students to integrate new insights into their existing knowledge of information technology acquisition, engage in critical analysis of acquisition approaches to determine the leadership and management issues (what and why) at the executive level, and then communicate ideas with clarity, conciseness, and credibility. Your response should show evidence of an integrated understanding of the materials and draw upon ideas from across the entire course including in-class discussions.

There are 2 Scenarios for this assignment, choose only one.

Scenario 1:

You have recently been appointed the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for your current or previous organization. One of your mandates is to identify three important acquisition challenges/problems IT programs in your current organization is facing or from previous organizations. For each challenge/problem:

Identify and discuss the specific problem(s),

Propose a solution based upon your new found knowledge of IT acquisition,

Discuss the benefits to be gained by implementing your solution(s).

Use specific knowledge of past or present programs to illustrate specific shortfalls in your acquisition process. If you are not aware of the current acquisition processes in your organization, this would be a great opportunity to consult acquisition professionals in that area. (Be forewarned, if you solicit their opinions, you are likely to receive an earful of ways to improve the process …and, you will learn much by doing so!)

Scenario 2:

You work directly for your organizations CIO. She wants you read the references we provided on the Air Force Expeditionary Combat Support System (ECSS) along others you find on your own. She wants you to identify the three most important acquisition challenges/problems ECSS encountered.

For each challenge/problem:

Identify the specific problem(s),

Propose a solution based upon your new found knowledge of IT acquisition,

Discuss the benefits to be gained by implementing your solution(s).

Identify any risks to your solution.

For each challenge/problem:

Identify the specific problem(s),

Propose a solution based upon your new found knowledge of IT acquisition,

Discuss the benefits to be gained by implementing your solution(s).

Identify the risks to implementing your solution

You can however, use specific knowledge of past or present programs to illustrate specific shortfalls in your acquisition process. If you are not aware of the current acquisition process, this would a great opportunity to consult acquisition professionals in your organization.

End your paper with a strong conclusion.

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