Strategic Planning Analysis Paper Available

Strategic Planning Analysis Paper
Strategic Planning Analysis Paper

Strategic Planning Analysis Paper

Strategic Planning Analysis Paper

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HLTH 8465 Week 2 Discussion
The Strategic Planning Process
The strategic planning process is essential for any non-profit or government organization, as it helps organizations achieve their missions and goals. This process includes various elements such as stakeholders, sustainable outcomes, resources, and community connections, with each element fulfilling a particular role in the planning process. For this Discussion, you examine strategic planning and consider the most important element of the process.

Answer the following Questions:

1. An explanation of the most important element of the strategic planning process (e.g., stakeholders, sustainable outcomes, resources, community connections, etc.).

2. Include how this element of planning helps public and non-profit organizations achieve optimal results.

3. Then, explain how this element of planning relates to your own professional experiences.


1. Karel, S., Adam, P., & Radomír, P. (2013). Strategic planning and business performance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Competitiveness, 5(4), 57–72.
2. Kash, B. A., Spaulding, A., Johnson, C. E., & Gamm, L. (2014). Success factors for strategic change Initiatives: A qualitative study of healthcare administrators’ perspectives. Journal of Healthcare Management, 59(1), 65–81.
3. Zollo, M., Reuer, J. J., & Singh, H. (2002). Interorganizational routines and performance in strategic alliances. Organization Science, 13(6), 701–713.
4. National Council of Nonprofits. (n.d.). Strategic and business planning for nonprofits. Retrieved June 14, 2014, from

Please apply the Application Assignment Rubric when writing the Paper.

I. Paper should demonstrate an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the texts.

II. Paper provides significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other sources, and discerning ideas.

III. Paper should be well organized, uses scholarly tone, follows APA style, uses original writing and proper paraphrasing, contains very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with doctoral level writing style.

IV. Paper should be mostly consistent with doctoral level writing style.


Strategic Planning

Despite the fact that the main goal of strategic planning process is to come up with a plan, the importance of the whole process squarely lies within the process itself. The process therefore grants the stakeholders the opportunity to familiarize themselves with every activity that happens within the organization. The stakeholders are given an opportunity to give their opinion about what they feel concerning the organization in terms of the strength and weakness (National Council of Nonprofits, 2014). The stakeholders also share their perceptions of its strengths and weaknesses, and to discuss critical issues affecting, or likely to discuss the most serious things affecting the organization. During this process, the finals decision to be incorporated in the strategic plan ought to have been agreed upon by every stakeholder. This is simply because, despite the fact that though one person is very efficient, eliminates the opportunity to distribute the ownership of the organization hence interferes with the future of the organization (Karel, Adam & Radomír, 2013.57-72).

Sustainable outcomes, resources, community connections are very essential in the description of the organization. This therefore entails analysis of the   detailed description of the organization’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. The process is usually conducted step by step in order to ensure all issues are tackled. In addition, analysis of the Political, Environmental, Social, and Technical factors which are currently affecting the organization are also considered. Both approaches are embraced especially when the organization wants to adopt a new program in the shortest time possible (Kash et al., 2014.65-81).

Strategic planning is therefore very essential to both nonprofit and public organizations. Strategic plan provides the guideline which guides decision-making process and a basis for a comprehensive planning. The plan also explains the strategy of the organization to the outsiders so as to involve them and also acts as a stimulator for growth of the organization.

The element of planning is very relevant to my professional. The process describes clearly the specific route to follow in order to achieve laid down objectives in an organization (Zollo, Reuer & Singh, 2002.701-713).


Karel, S., Adam, P., & Radomír, P. (2013). Strategic planning and business performance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Competitiveness, 5(4),57–72.

Kash, B. A., Spaulding, A., Johnson, C. E., & Gamm, L. (2014). Success
factors for strategic change Initiatives: A qualitative study of healthcare
administrators’ perspectives. Journal of Healthcare Management, 59(1), 65–81.

Zollo, M., Reuer, J. J., & Singh, H. (2002). Interorganizational routines and performance in strategic alliances. Organization Science,13(6), 701–713.

National Council of Nonprofits. (n.d.). Strategic and business planning for nonprofits. Retrieved June 14, 2014, from

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