Stress Management for Salespeople

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Stress management

Stress Management for Salespeople


Stress Management for Salespeople

Frank Taylor’s automobile dealership has a number of high-achieving salespeople who could be described as extreme Type A personalities. Unfortunately, several of them are experiencing stress-related physical problems such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and migraine headaches. You have been hired to develop a stress reduction program incorporating both relaxation techniques and physical exercises that can be utilized by individuals and in group sessions several days a week at work. Describe specifics of a program that incorporates techniques of proven efficacy in dealing with extreme Type A personality behaviors.

Stress Management for Salespeople

The description of individuals as extreme type-A personalities follows the theory first coined by Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman, cardiologists who sought to determine the potential causes of coronary heart disease. From their study, the theorists concluded that specific behavioral patterns posed a significant risk for coronary heart disease, which led them to devise a method through which individuals can be categorized as either type A, B, or AB (Petticrew, Lee, & McKee, 2012). They further concluded that individuals with type A personality worry more about personal or professional achievements and success. These individuals tend to be workaholics, who harbor numerous issues with self-esteem, short-temper, impatience, highly competitive, aggressive, and time-conscious…

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