Suicides Article Review
Suicides are on the rise in the U.S. Find one scholarly article that discusses this matter in detail. Write a reaction paper of one page detailing your findings. You must cite your article according to proper APA format on a separate references page.
Even more alarmingly, the suicide rate for Americans in mid-life, ages 35-64, increased between 1999 and 2010 by nearly 30 per cent. This is huge.
Keep in mind that the use of the Prozac-style antidepressants increased steadily over these years as well, so that according to the National Center for Health Statistics, 11 per cent of all Americans over age 12 were taking antidepressant medications by 2005-8. That is one in ten! What more stunning testimony could there be for the lack of effectiveness of this drug class in serious depression, people on the verge of suicide.
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