Summary of The Chapter Where Do We Draw the Lines For this assignment, you will be writing a summary of the chapter “Where Do We Draw the Lines” excerpted from Jeffery Seglin’s book The Good, the Bad, and
Your Business:
Choosing Right When Ethical Dilemmas Pull You Apart. Your summary should be approximately 600 words.
– Begin your summary by referring to the author and the title, and by writing down the thesis/central idea in your own words.
Following this information, give a brief summary of each major section of the article, condensing the supporting ideas.
– Select a few significant, illustrative examples or specifics that support the main ideas.
Write the summary, imitating the organizational pattern of the article/chapter.
Editing Strategies
– Use vivid and exact language to make your summary clear and interesting. Refer to the thesaurus, if necessary.
– Use effective transitional expressions between statements within a paragraph and between paragraphs.
– Use present tense in referring to the author and the article. For instance, the “author states” instead of the “author stated”; the “article contains”
instead of the “article contained.”
– In your first reference to the author, use both names; for subsequent references, use only the last name.
– Make sure you retain the same tone and emphasis as the writer maintains.
– Don’t include your opinions on the issues.
– Don’t include direct quotations from the article. Present the information in your own words.