Supply Chain and Operations Management

Supply Chain and Operations Management

Supply Chain - Overview, Importance, and Examples
Supply Chain and Operations Management

Supply Chain and Operations Management


Learning Outcomes Assessed

– Apply modern supply chain management principles and practice, including the evolution of modern operations management theory, to business cases.

– Critically analyse the process of supply chain management decision making.

– Apply and critically analyze appropriate management frameworks which can be used for the planning and control of materials and services ,from the viewpoints of quality, quantity and cost analysis.

– Appreciate and utilise the range of tools and techniques available to aid efficient and

effective Supply chain managerial decision making.

Supply Chain and Operations Management


The aim is to demonstrate how the module contributed to your journey of learning and development within your course.

This assignment requires you to write an individual portfolio addressing the following: The portfolio covers your learning throughout this semester:

     “Describe and analyse the supply chain for a clothing product of your choice.”

Supply Chain and Operations Management

You should ensure that you include the following aspects in your discussion:

Critically discuss how the supply chain models and tools, including the modern supply chain management principles and practice, can be applied to your chosen clothing product.

Identify the issues and problems that may exist within this supply chain

Critically analyse the process of supply chain management decision making to deal with

the identified issues

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