Supremacy Clause Secures Federal Rights

Supremacy Clause Secures Federal Rights The Supremacy Clause secures federal rights, created elsewhere, by giving them priority whenever they come in conflict with state law.

Supremacy Clause Secures Federal Rights
Supremacy Clause Secures Federal Rights

Here are a few recent cases you might consider (but please feel free to find your own as well):

Jane Doe v. Office of Refugee Resettlement

Coventry Health Care v. Nevils

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA (still working through the system, but here is the complaint:–complaint.pdf

South Dakota v. Wayfair

Research: You are to find/analyze a recent case where a state law was in conflict an individual’s federal rights and the court decided the case in part or entirely on the Supremacy Clause.

Share: Provide a summary of the details of the case for your classmates.

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